Setup a New
Revenue Stream
Does offering free wifi make you money… now it can
Monitise your Wifi network
Convert Guest Wifi from a Cost to a Revenue Source
Earn Ad revenue from your Wifi by selling ad space banners, video ads and page redirects on your network
Add sponsored content on Landing pages
Cross-promote your own products and businesses
Do barter deals and gain visibility on networks of complementary
businesses that serve similar customers
Build a client database and turn analytics data gathered into a potential revenue stream
You can even make your wifi a paid network and charge for high-speed connectivity
Increase Revenue
and Profitability
Convert new customers to repeat customers
Engage new customers from the moment they leave your store – send feed back requests, review requests, personal greetings and custom offers
Increase revenue per guest through Realtime Marketing
Increase order size
Engage your guests and shoppers while they are still in your venue
Send real-time messages and e-mails based on demographic and segmentation data – age, gender, number of return visits, location and dwell time
Send them instant offers, live promotions and redemptions to incentives conversions and upsell offers
Make them feel special and make them feel you know and care for them and get them to act while they are still at your venue
Improve Customer Loyalty and Engagement
Engage - Send custom offers and promotions, birthday greetings, special occasion greetings
Loyalty coupons and announcements - all customized to their preference and behavior
Super Charge
Your Marketing
Build your customer database
Customers are the lifeline for your business.
Generate a reliable and up to date email marketing database
Automated Data Capture -
No extra effort of filling forms, collecting business cards, or creating excel sheets
As soon as guests log into your WiFi, all contact details are captured and automatically entered into your database.
Improve social media visibility
Become a part of your guests social networks
Visibility on the Social Media network of customers is one of the best free publicity available online. Increase Brand awareness, Top of Mind recall and Loyalty.
When guests login they are directed to your social media pages and requested for a ‘Like’ or a ‘Follow’ on their preferred Social media accounts.
Dramatically improve ROI of
Online and Offline Marketing
Create customer segments and make your marketing and communications more relevant.
Target relevant communication to select subsets of customers armed with the customer insights you have.
Know your customer profiles and pick online platforms they are most engaged with.
Use customer profile data for retargeting campaigns on social media
Create like audience campaigns on FB, Instagram and Google.
Track the effectiveness of your digital campaigns through FB Pixel
Redirect customers to your website to capture data in google analytics
Make wiser choices for your offline campaigns once you know their demographics and preferences
Actionable and Insightful Data and analytics
Build customer profiles with contact information, demographics and behavioral data
Get to “Know Your Customers” like never before
Who are they?
Where are they from?
Contact information – Email, Mobile?
Age, gender, social interests?
How often they visit you?
Analyse and filter customer profiles to understand and predict your customer behavior
See when customers visit your business how often - predict customer footfall and revenue potential
Improve efficiency of operations and customer service by analyzing and planning for peak and lean hours.
Collect Customer Feedback
Collect customer feedback through surveys and sending digital feedback forms
No need to manually collate and analyse data
Automated Email campaigns
Loyalty campaigns - Send special offers to loyal guests based on the number of visits
Bday campaigns - Send greetings and offers to guests on special occasions – Bday vouchers, discounts, reminders
Welcome back campaigns for Lapsed customers – Send offers to customers who have not visited for a while.
Build Your Online Reputation and Get More reviews
Send Review request links to customers through mail and SMS to build your review scores
Request for LIKE’s / Follows on social media at the time of login
Redirect customers to your website / special offers pages
Improve Customer Experience
No more manual passwords
Branded and rich content on login pages.
Self Login through social media
Automatic login for returning customers across all your outlets
Personalized welcome back messages
SMS Authentication for Mobile Numbers
Send Review request links to customers through mail and SMS to build your review scores
We know how important Mobile numbers can be for a customer database.
Just like “One Time Passwords” sent out by banks our platform offers and added feature of sending login passwords by SMS to guests when they attempt to login.
This authenticates the mobile numbers collected and ensures that future marketing communications reach intended recipients
Redirect customers to your website / special offers pages
Secure your

Having guests and other ‘unknown’ individuals on your network can be a security nightmare.
Cloud Control - Full access and control of User Experience and Analytics through a cloud based platform. Manage your network across multiple locations from anywhere in the world
BrandPortWifi sets up a secure guest Wi-Fi network that is completely separate from your main Wireless LAN.
Create custom SSID’s and control traffic through a range of access levels without compromising sensitive data.
Customized T&C pages and privacy policy
GDPR compliant Wifi network
Seamless User Experience with you in control
Manage and monitor guest and staff wifi access
Blacklist or Whitelist devices
Control or Limit access as per your wifi policy – bandwith, duration of access, number of sessions, speed ….
Integration into Existing WiFi Network or into new networks
It is even possible to use some of the hardware already deployed at your venue.
Easy setup process can have individual venues and running in less than 30 minutes

WiFi based Location
For larger venues, talk to us to understand how BrandPortWiFi can help you track customer movements across your venues and dwell times in each location.
Access heat maps and customer journeys to better plan store layouts, plan promotion placements, identify traffic checkpoints and energize dead corners.
Review layout effectiveness with data including gender and age information.
Contactless Digital Menu – Be COVID Ready… show your guests you care.
Customers can access your menu through your wifi network.
Take online orders and even payments, even from guests at your venue